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How do stock analyst ratings work?

Stock analyst ratings don't follow a strict structure, although most have roughly the same grading system for the securities they review. The labels may differ slightly (i.e., overweight vs. outperform), but the five most common analyst ratings go like this.

What does a stock analyst do?

Stock analysts give ratings to companies based on their research and insights. Analysis comes from the buy side (fund companies, investment managers) or sell side (brokers, banks). Analysts use different methodologies, so investors should always look into why a particular rating was given.

Who provides analyst ratings data on marketbeat?

Analyst ratings data on MarketBeat is provided by Benzinga and other data providers. This page was last refreshed on Monday at 08:05 PM ET. View the latest news, buy/sell ratings, SEC filings and insider transactions for your stocks. Compare your portfolio performance to leading indices and get personalized stock ideas based on your portfolio.

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